Potatoes of Naxos

During one of his many trips to Europe, Kapodistrias tried potatoes, which he liked and thought that growing them would provide a cheap, tasty and easy solution to the problem of hunger among the Greeks in 1831. His attitude is well known when the villagers refused to taste the potatoes he offered them for free. He fenced off the warehouses where the potatoes were kept and put sentries to guard them. Then the potato refusers rushed to take them and within a short time they became unpopular. Thus came the cultivation of potatoes in Greece and spread throughout the country.

Naxos began to cultivate potatoes around 1800 and it slowly spread and became one of the main agricultural products of the island, strengthening the local economy. This led to the creation of an agricultural cooperative to support it.

But what is it that makes the Naxian potato so famous and sought after?

Naxos is known for its gruyere and potatoes. The two are inextricably linked, as one is the reason for the other to grow.

The Naxian farmers noticed that in the fields where there were oxen, the potatoes were tastier and bigger. They thought that the animal manure was the reason for the good quality of the potatoes they grew. So they began to multiply their oxen, and with their milk, which was in large quantities, they began to produce gruyere.

Of course, the microclimate of the area, the quality of the soil and the experience of the producers play an important role.

Naxos potatoes have conquered the hearts of consumers with their deliciousness.

Every August in the area of Kapares in Agia Anna the potato festival is held.

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