What is Aleppopepper (Aleppopepper) or Pul Biber (Pul Biber)

The peppers that give us this pepper belong to the Capsicum annuum variety that was cultivated in Syria and mainly in the region of Aleppo since 13ο century, where the Silk Road passed through and connected the East with the West. These peppers are slightly spicy and bright red but its cultivation, after the war in Syria, was transferred to neighbouring Turkey, using the same seed, which is why it has the Turkish name of pul bibber.

Sold as flakes These peppers have a natural oiliness, which is transferred to the pepper after processing. The flavour is mild, slightly spicy, fruity and leaves a cumin taste.

The peppers are dried almost on the plants, picked by the growers and the stems and seeds are removed. They are then spread out in the hot sun and dried. They are ground and mixed with olive oil and salt.

The processed pepper has a very nice deep red colour and a slightly oily texture. It does not have a strong spicy taste, does not resemble chili peppers and does not make anyone cry!

Sometimes for more intensity, those who love spicy food add cayenne pepper to this pepper.

It is an excellent spice that adds flavour to all roasts, cooked foods, salads and dips. It can be added to marinades, soups, and goes well with tomatoes. The people of the Levant use it in meatballs and lamb.

Aleppo pepper successfully accompanies oregano, garlic, paprika, turmeric and thyme.

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