Agar agar or vegetarian gelatine is a vegetable gelatine, which is derived from a type of red seaweed and is widely used in Asian cooking and baking, having found its way in recent years into the kitchens of the rest of the world.

It is white and almost translucent, rich in fibre, iron and calcium. It contains no sugar -therefore no calories- fat, carbohydrates, gluten, egg, milk, starch, soy.

It helps in the thickening of ice creams, desserts, creams, etc.

To use it, you need to mix it with the liquid you want and then bring it to boiling temperature, about 80°C.ο C.

Agar agar does not work like gelatin. On the one hand, it thickens as soon as it cools down and not immediately like gelatine, and on the other hand, if we have made a mistake in the amount of liquid or agar agar, we can easily correct the "problem" by reheating the mixture and adding liquid or agar agar.

The dosage, if not in the recipe, is 3 heaping teaspoons for 1 liter of liquid.

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