Essential oils and aromatic waters

Essential oils, aromatic waters and confectionery

Essential oils are the final product resulting from the distillation or crushing of flowers, leaves, fruits, bark of plants and herbs. They have been known to be used by various cultures for thousands of years for medicinal and aesthetic purposes. In recent years another use has been added, that of confectionery. They are added to creams, chocolates, fruit sauces, etc., in very small quantities. They are pure and pure essences without impurities and two or three drops per kilo of mixture dissolved in milk, olive oil, melted butter, are enough to give our preparation the aroma we love.

In the market there are scents of rose, lavender, rosemary, cinnamon, mint, orange, lemon, almond, etc. Before buying them we should make sure that they are edible and pure without any additives. After buying them we keep them in a cool place away from sunlight.

Aromatic waters

They are waters flavoured with flowers, mastic, orange, lavender, etc. and are widely used in the confectionery of the East and the Mediterranean basin.

They are cheaper than essential oils because they have a weak fragrance and must be added at the end of the preparation process.

We buy aromatic waters from certified sources, keep them in a cool place, pay attention to the expiration date and always follow the instructions on the recipe.

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